Why Your Institution Should Shop Locally

In the highly interconnected world we live in, institutions of higher learning in the United States face complex choices when it comes to selecting vendors for various services. Whether it’s for technology solutions, campus services, or academic resources, the selection of vendors can significantly impact the quality and reliability of the services provided. Among the …

SmartEvals’ Green Mission: Planting the Seeds of Sustainability in Western New York and Beyond

This April, SmartEvals is once again continuing its project to aid in reforesting western New York. Conducting their largest tree-planting project to date, SmartEvals, along with local volunteers, will be planting 2,800 trees throughout the weekends of April. They’re eager to get planting again and repeat the success of previous planting missions. SmartEvals welcomes volunteers …

5 Reasons for Paperless Course Surveys

In the fast-paced digital age we live in, every aspect of education is undergoing a transformative shift, and course evaluations are no exception. As a forward-thinking course evaluation company, SmartEvals is here to shed light on the myriad benefits of going paperless with your course surveys. Embracing this technological advancement can revolutionize your institution’s feedback …

Over 130,000 Acres Adopted by SmartEvals

Endorsed by National Wildlife Federation “SmartEvals is endorsed by the National Wildlife Federation as a true enviornmental leader, committed to regrowing fish and game populations as well as fighting climate change.” Kit Fischer, National Wildlife Federation America’s public lands are places where people from all walks of life come together to escape into the natural …