Over 130,000 Acres Adopted by SmartEvals

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Endorsed by National Wildlife Federation

“SmartEvals is endorsed by the National Wildlife Federation as a true enviornmental leader, committed to regrowing fish and game populations as well as fighting climate change.” Kit Fischer, National Wildlife Federation

America’s public lands are places where people from all walks of life come together to escape into the natural world; but that experience is becoming harder to capture as our country continues to develop. Through investments in sustainability, conservation and waste reduction we’re setting the industry pace for environmental responsibility-and making the world a cleaner, greener place. SmartEvals LLC., the parent company of SmartEvals, protects 120,000 acres of land endorsed by the National Wildlife Federation.

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SmartEvals was already working with the Nature Conservancy to identify a project with high environmental value when this new opportunity came up on their radar. After vetting the project, Jim Howe from the Nature Conservancy declared this project “A tremendous win for the environment” and SmartEvals stepped up to contribute the remaining funds needed for the project. The company took its commitment even further when its sister company, eDemocracy, provided a significant matching gift in our first ever grazing retirement in Capitol Reef National Park, a treasured red-rock landscape in Southern Utah. As a member of the National Wildlife Federation’s President’s Leadership Council, SmartEvals CEO, Larry Piegza understands the critical importance of these spaces not only for our wildlife, but for future generations to come. SmartEvals’ staff are motivated to make a positive impact on communities, whether local, national or global.

bighorn sheep

SmartEvals is a key contributor in converting an additional 19,800 to their already 100,200 acres of land as part of the National Wildlife Federation’s Adopt A Wildlife Acre effort, securing an even larger habitat for wildlife. Established in 2002, the program aids in negotiations between Federal Land Managers and ranchers to retire livestock grazing allotments on public lands. Ranchers receive compensation for waiving their grazing permits allowing land managers to permanently retire the allotments— a win-win for everyone involved. The program also ensures a long-term future for traditional western livestock ranching by shifting grazing practices to landscapes where it is more compatible; giving wildlife such as Gray Wolves, Chinook Salmon, Wild Bison, Bighorn Sheep, Grizzly Bears and other at risk wildlife, an opportunity to thrive in a conflict-free habitat.

As a tech company, SmartEvals’ success has always been predicated on forward thinking innovation. In 2016, 800 sq feet solar panels were installed on the companies headquarter building to produce 100% of the average energy consumed. SmartEvals’ green projects have created a culture that values the environment and seeks to make a difference through teamwork, by both effecting change directly and creating awareness for environmental issues. Locally at SmartEvals we’ve taken steps to conserve area wildlife and beautify our community by converting a 500 sq ft section of our asphalt lot to a wildflower garden, providing habitat and a food source for endangered bees. Just as we are driven by our ability to make an impact in higher education, we understand our responsibility to inspire positive change in the broader global community as well.

“Thank you to Larry Piegza, SmartEvals, and all of the supporters who continue to make this valuable program possible for wildlife and future generations to come, so they may embark on their own adventures across America’s majestic public lands.National Wildlife Federation

To learn more about the Adopt-A-Wildlife Acre program, please contact Sharon London, Regional Philanthropy Officer for the Northern Rockies, Prairies and Pacific Region at [email protected] or 206-577-7173.

Watch these National Wildlife Federation Videos to Learn More:

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