Why Integrating your Course Evaluations with your University’s LMS is Crucial

Institutions are constantly striving to enhance the quality of teaching and learning experiences for students and educators alike. One indispensable tool in this pursuit is the course evaluation platform, which serves as a crucial feedback mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of courses and instructors. However, the full potential of such platforms can be best realized …

SmartEvals Introduces SmartHowl: the Only Mass Notification System Designed Specifically for Universities

The quest to enhance student learning experiences is a never ending journey with ceaseless upgrades. Universities, as bastions of knowledge and innovation, are continually seeking ways to engage students effectively, gather valuable feedback, and streamline communication channels. Today, we’re thrilled to announce a groundbreaking advancement in this pursuit: the unveiling of a new software solution …

Key Features for any Course Evaluation System

In the ever dynamic plains of higher education, the importance of gathering feedback from students to assess teaching effectiveness and improve course quality cannot be overstated. An effective online course evaluation system serves as a powerful tool for institutions to collect, analyze, and act upon valuable feedback from students. Let’s explore some of the best …

SmartEvals’ Green Mission: Planting the Seeds of Sustainability in Western New York and Beyond

This April, SmartEvals is once again continuing its project to aid in reforesting western New York. Conducting their largest tree-planting project to date, SmartEvals, along with local volunteers, will be planting 2,800 trees throughout the weekends of April. They’re eager to get planting again and repeat the success of previous planting missions. SmartEvals welcomes volunteers …

Transforming Higher Ed: SmartEvals’ Success Stories at Edgewood College and Spelman College

SmartEvals continues to make waves in changing institutions of higher education’s experiences during their end-of-semester evaluations. Through innovative strategies and tailored customization, the company has not only addressed the challenges faced by many schools, but has significantly enhanced the evaluation experience for both students and faculty. Let’s delve into the success stories of two universities, …

Navigating Mid-Semester Stress

As the midpoint of the semester approaches and the anticipation of spring break looms, university students often find themselves grappling with increased stress levels and mounting workloads. Balancing coursework, exams, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments can feel overwhelming, but with the right strategies in place, students can effectively manage their stress and stay on track …

Educational Technology for Faculty Empowerment

In the ever evolving landscape of education, the integration of educational technology has taken a larger role in shaping engaging and effective learning environments. University faculty, as key drivers of this transformation, are often on the lookout for innovative tools to enhance their performances as educators. We’ll explore options for university faculty when choosing educational …

University at Buffalo Making Strides in Enhancing Teaching Evaluations: An Analysis of the UBSET

Introduction In 2014, the University at Buffalo (UB) embarked on a mission to revolutionize its approach to evaluating teaching effectiveness by introducing the Universal Student Evaluation of Teaching (UBSET). In doing so, UB sought to measure if eleven particular questions (six course-oriented and five instructor-based) derived from the 32-item Student Evaluation of Educational Quality (SEEQ), …

How to Promote Metacognition

First, we need to ask the question, what is metacognition? Metacognition refers to the cognitive processes that involve thinking about one’s own thinking. It involves being aware of and understanding one’s thought processes, knowing what one knows, and being able to regulate and control cognitive activities. In simpler terms, metacognition is the ability to reflect …

New Year, New No-Stress Semester

The start of a new year is often met with excitement, while the start of a new semester has its fair share of stress for both students and faculty. Whether you’re hitting the books or leading the class, finding ways to manage stress is crucial for a successful and positive academic experience. Here are some …