How to Hone Essential Analytical Tools and Skills for University IR Directors

Institutional Research (IR) Directors play a pivotal role in guiding universities through data-driven decision-making and strategic planning. To excel in this role, IR Directors must possess a robust set of analytical tools and skills. Integrating a plethora of platforms can significantly enhance their ability to gather, analyze, and utilize data effectively. This blog post explores …

How to Leverage End-of-Semester Evaluations as a Provost

As the semester draws to a close, universities across the globe embark on the crucial task of evaluating courses and instructors. This end-of-semester ritual is not merely a formality; it’s a vital opportunity for institutions to gather feedback, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately enhance the quality of education they provide. For provosts, in particular, …

Key Features for any Course Evaluation System

In the ever dynamic plains of higher education, the importance of gathering feedback from students to assess teaching effectiveness and improve course quality cannot be overstated. An effective online course evaluation system serves as a powerful tool for institutions to collect, analyze, and act upon valuable feedback from students. Let’s explore some of the best …

Transforming Higher Ed: SmartEvals’ Success Stories at Edgewood College and Spelman College

SmartEvals continues to make waves in changing institutions of higher education’s experiences during their end-of-semester evaluations. Through innovative strategies and tailored customization, the company has not only addressed the challenges faced by many schools, but has significantly enhanced the evaluation experience for both students and faculty. Let’s delve into the success stories of two universities, …

Translating change into success: KPIs

Measuring the success of college courses after analyzing the feedback from course evaluations is incredibly important, as it allows professors to make valid improvements to their courses. The first step to measuring the success of a college course, is to understand the course objectives. Next, you should consider key performance indicators (KPIs) to establish new …

How Artificial Intelligence Can Boost Your University’s Effectiveness

Universities have increasingly embraced new technologies in the realms of academic and administrative processes. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is proving to be an effective tool to carry out complex tasks more efficiently and with greater accuracy than human intervention. While some are wary of automating certain processes, the advantages of incorporating AI to handle institutional research …

Unlocking Student Voices: How to Supercharge Course Evaluation Response Rates

Course evaluations are a valuable tool for instructors and institutions to gather feedback and make continuous improvements. However, low response rates can render that valuable feedback useless. Instructors often wonder how they can encourage students to actively participate and provide honest answers to their surveys. So let’s explore three effective strategies: ensuring confidentiality, offering incentives, …

Increasing Survey Response Rates

When conducting surveys, an important factor to consider is the survey response rate. A high response rate is vital for ensuring the survey produces both accurate results and valuable insight. Response rates are often impacted by a few key factors. Let’s look at three of the most important aspects for increasing response rates and how …

Designing Better Surveys: Avoiding Bias

We have all had experiences in the past of filling out surveys that ask us leading or biasedquestions, trying to shoehorn our responses to fit the survey’s desired outcome. However, course evaluation surveys are intended to provide valuable and constructive feedback to instructors and administrators in order to improve their courses for future students, but …