Make the greatest overall improvement with the least amount of effort
This proprietary feature analyzes evaluation results over a period of time to help instructors identify areas of greatest potential improvement. The myFocusTM feature takes several factors into account from the custom reports (such as percentile rank), question applicability, and confidence interval data. See how instructors can improve their classes while helping others improve theirs.

myFocusTM contains two features…

Where to make the Greatest Improvement
Instructors can view the individual questions that received the lowest score. From here, they can create an action plan or implement the advice provided by other instructors in order to improve their scores.
Advanced Resources for Faculty and Instructors
- Get weekly reminders with personalized tips and advice
- Check the knowledge base for relevant advice from peers
- Get development training from expert colleagues at any participating school
- Create and Share your own self-guided action plan

What you’ve mastered that could help others
Congratulations!!! You’ve scored in the top 30th percentile with a particular question. This option allows instructors to see which questions they’ve mastered and allows them to provide feedback and tips to other instructors.
Collaborative Engagement
- Provide instructional development committees with targeted lists of training needs by instructor
- Instructors can create action plans and share with their dean. Easily track progress for tenure and accreditation purposes
- Invite high-performing faculty to contribute by adding to knowledge base of advice, or by tutoring their peers.
- Send weekly mail-merged tips to faculty via email
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