Analytics for Higher Education
SmartEvals Course Evaluation Software delivers automated management, enhanced engagement and insightful reporting— all optimized to the needs of your campus.
Superior Data for Empowered Teaching and Learning
Say goodbye to burdensome administration! SmartEvals delivers full-cycle process automation for flawless course evaluations every term. Automated administrative features include:
When it comes to course evaluations, student participation is everything. SmartEvals includes a powerful suite of engagement tools to maximize survey response rates on your campus, and get to the heart of student experience. Engagement features include:
SmartEvals delivers unmatched flexibility to fit your unique institutional needs. With a range of customization options and intuitive integration, SmartEvals easily conforms to your campus. Optimization features include:
Actionable reporting is the whole reason for collecting student feedback in the first place. That’s why SmartEvals reports are designed to provide instant insights into data, trends, and development opportunities. Analytics features include:
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